One of the downsides of remote work is that you don’t have as many serendipitous encounters with co-workers. Sure, you may send some instant messages and see them on Zoom calls, but it’s not the same as being with them in the office for about 40 hours per week.

Company culture is dependent on many things, and it’s partly a function of all the personalities in a workplace. Everyone is different, and when you add in things like religion, gender, and age, the office can become a big melting pot.

Managing all these personalities can be fun for leaders, but it can also be stressful. A diversity of opinions makes companies great, but it can also be a significant source of workplace conflict. Leaders must recognize that all their employees are unique and tailor different approaches to each person.

We’ll give you a run-down of the most common types of corporate personalities and the management approaches that work best for them.

The High-Functioning Introvert

Many introverts are the backbone of a company’s success. They’re usually the quiet ones dedicated to their job, have been with the company for a while, and are pleasant to be around. Employees like this are thorough and reliable, and they provide much stability to the workplace.

Introverts can be shy and may not speak up much, though. They may have some great ideas, but they won’t share them easily. Because of this, high-functioning introverts are usually the company’s workhorses and not a significant source of innovation or bold ideas. They also keep to themselves, so they won’t speak up much if something makes them unhappy.

Managers who have employees like this shouldn’t take them for granted. Make them feel seen and heard, ideally in one-on-one conversations, and make sure they’re not holding back something they’re struggling with.

The Anxious Procrastinator

Employees like this seem like they’re always rushing to get something done. They complain about their workload and deadlines and, often, they just barely meet deadlines and sometimes miss them. They’re a ball of anxiety.

Anxious Procrastinators compensate for all this by working long hours and, most of the time, they’re great employees with great ideas. However, their biggest problem is procrastination, which usually stems from self-doubt or lack of experience.

Managers should tread lightly with mentally stressed out employees like this. They can quickly burn out if they’re not careful, and their anxiety and procrastination can stem from many different causes. Leaders can talk with them to help sort through the stress and help them find better work/life balance.

The Ambitious Ones

The most ambitious employees are intelligent, eager to learn, and want to climb the ladder. They usually get along with everyone at work because of their charm and extroverted personalities, though they sometimes avoid conflict, even the suitable types of conflict that generate ideas. These employees are eager to please, but they sometimes lack attention to detail.

The good thing is they are big-picture thinkers, so they’re usually the ones that’ll come up with innovative ideas that get them promoted. They also work well under pressure and can inspire others because they are outgoing.

Managers should be careful not to shower these employees with too much praise, though. The ambition can sometimes hide that they’re not the hardest workers – they just know how to play office politics well.

The Intense Personality

Employees with intense personalities and temperaments are the trickiest ones to manage. They can be a manager’s worst nightmare in some cases. These employees have a low tolerance for errors, can seem selfish, and are prone to fits of anger or outbursts. If they’re not managed well enough, they can quickly become a toxic presence in the workplace.

Usually, intense employees like this feel slighted or have complaints about poor management. They feel like they’re not being heard. Managers should take time to hear them out and develop solutions that work for everyone. Leaders will have to use their best conflict resolution skills with these employees, and they shouldn’t be afraid to use discipline, either.

Natural-Born Leaders

Introverts are the backbone of a company’s success, but natural-born leaders are the ones who get the dirty work done. They are essentially the future of a company’s management team if a company can hold on to them for the long haul. They are excellent and intelligent workers but, unlike introverts, they like to take charge and are very public about what they think.

They are dynamic and active employees that aren’t easily discouraged; and in most cases, they ooze confidence. Natural-born leaders are the future visionaries of the company. The downsides are they can be rough around the edges, sometimes being insensitive and sarcastic. But they get things done.

Managers should be direct with natural-born leaders and give them the responsibilities they crave. These employees will excel when they can take charge of big projects and, usually, they won’t let you down.

Every workplace is full of different personalities and, depending on how well you manage them, it will make or break your company culture. Having engaged employees comes down to how well different personalities at work feel heard. Managers that understand what makes each employee tick can hone their management style in ways that help them and the company best.

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